
How To Pamper A Senior Cat

Do you have a fluffy little senior on your hands? Cats are very sweet and loveable little pets, and they are adorable at every age. However, your feline buddy will need some extra TLC in her golden years. Here, a Lexington, KY vet offers some advice on pampering an older feline.


Fluffy won’t be as silly or frisky as she was when she was a kitten, but she’ll still enjoy playing. Take a few minutes a day to hold a laser pointer or wand toy for your furball. This is great for her both mentally and physically. Plus, it’s really cute to watch!


We recommend keeping all cats indoors, but this is particularly important for senior kitties. Fluffy won’t be able to get away from threats like stray dogs, and she is also at higher risk of forgetting how to get home.


Somehow, your feline pal will manage to nap even more as a senior than she used to. One of the best things you can do for Fluffy is also one of the easiest: Make sure your kitty has lots of beds to curl up on. Store-bought beds are great, but you can also offer your sleepy pet soft throw blankets folded up and put on chairs and ottomans.


Your cat may have a hard time seeing as she gets older, and she might also begin to have trouble climbing and jumping to reach her favorite spots. Keep Fluffy’s comfort in mind! Make sure that her food and litterbox are in spots that are easy for her to get to. You may also want to set out some pet ramps or stairs to help her jump up to her favorite spots. Setting out nightlights will also help.

Veterinary Care

Fluffy may need to come in a bit more often, so her health can be monitored. Ask your vet to recommend an appointment schedule. In between visits, watch for signs of illness, such as vomiting, diarrhea, changes in appetite or behavior, respiratory issues, fever, lethargy, and hiding. Call your vet immediately if you notice anything unusual.


Last but not least, make sure that Fluffy feels safe and loved. She may become extra affectionate in her golden years. Enjoy this special time in your kitty’s life!

As your local Lexington, KY animal clinic, we’re here for you! Call us anytime!

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